By Cheryl Smit

Ladysmith hosted its first airshow in 15 years. Entrance was free to the airshow and the locals arrived in abundance to witness and experience for some their first airshow. Leon Du Plessis of Capital Sounds and his co commentator Charmaine Gumede from I.G.S kept the crowds enthralled throughout the day from their mobile unit.

The airshow opened with a parade down the airfield accompanied by the safety and emergency vehicles.
The Durban Skydive team, led by 'The Boss' Ian Douglas then took to the beautiful blue skies in a Cessna piloted by Dave Daniels for the parachute drop.

Nigel Hopkins was next in the lineup in his MX2 with a riveting aerobatic display. This is certainly one act that sent the crowds into a clapping frenzy. They loved it. Once again Nigel was on top form chatting to the crowd from the cockpit.

Next up into the skies was Mike Wyngaards in the Impala owned by Dawid Laas. Dawid's father a General in the SAAF had actually helped assemble this Impala ZU-IMP 479 which was the last of the 20 Impala to be delivered to the SAAF on the 3rd June 1966. Now here all these years later was Mike flying this Impala.

Larry v.d. Merwe an instructor at Ladysmith then took his Rainbow Cheetah through its paces.

The Good Year Eagles Pitts led by Dennis Spence did their fantastic display that had the crowds cheering in delight.

Neville Ferreira then did a well-rehearsed aerobatic display in his red and white Slick 540. The crowd really enjoyed his display.

It was then the turn of the new boys on the block a 5 ship consisting of 4 Yaks and a Nanchang from Virginia to enthrall the crowds. The pilots where Brendon Adams, Roger Deare, Bruce Daniels, Martin Schultze and Michel Leusch.

Federal Air the official airline for the KZN Winter Air Tour then did a fly-past in their Cessna 208B Grand Caravan ZS-THR.

During the lunchtime break the apron was opened to the public to view the aircraft at close hand and speak to the participating pilots.

A development programme was hosted by the KZN Winter Tour to the local scholars in one of the hangars, this programme will be hosted to scholars throughout the tour by Federal Airlines.

As always special mention must go to Safety Director John Neilon. Flight Director, Ramp Director and Fuel Director Peter Graham. The IGS Security Team with Stuart Weston at the helm. ATNS Maralize Scheepers from Lanseria for a well-run and safe airshow.

The after party for the KZN Winter Air Tour was organized by Dr. Clive Coetzee and held at the airfield. What a perfect way to end the day around the braai fires with the pilots and organisers.
The third airshow in the KZN Winter Air Tour will be held at Newcastle on Saturday 31st May.