Aero Club Communique March 2022 Number 2 - Airweek


Planning for this year's Airweek is now well underway, with detailed planning having started after a kick-off meeting, which took place on 27 January. Essentially, the outline theme will follow the successful Airweek held in 2021, which is an event for all our recreational aviators.

The dates are 22 - 24 April 2022, with early arrivals on the 21st for those who wish to have an extended stay. The EAA annual convention will also take place during this weekend as will other sections of the Aero Club participating in their various disciplines. Please visit the website for more details.

Airweek 2018

Planning for this year's Airweek is now well underway, with detailed planning having started after a kick-off meeting, which took place on 27 January. Essentially, the outline theme will follow the successful Airweek held in 2021, which is an event

Registration is open for those wishing to attend. You can register by taking this link:>

Those who wish to camp and hire tents can follow this link:

Airweek 2019

For Exhibitors wishing to book exhibition space, visit the website for details and Exhibitor forms.

If you have any queries or require additional information, please email [email protected]

If you are not a member and wish to join the Aero Club and any of its sections, feel free to do so by accessing member-renewals-and-new-memberships

Airweek 2021

Our Centenary Yearbook is now available to purchase our new webshop

Events 2022
Aero Club of South Africa

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