A Sixth 'SkyDive for Rhinos Event

By Mike Rumble

Due to the incredible support, and by popular demand there will be a Sixth 'SkyDive for Rhinos' 2012 Event on the 17th and 18th November at SkyDive Rustenburg.

Surpassing last year's shocking record high of 448 Rhinos poached in South Africa, 463 South African Rhinos have been lost to poaching in 2012 (as at 18 October 2012) and the intensity of the poaching is increasing.

The 'SkyDive for Rhinos' 2012 campaign set a target of 448 participants, and R10 Million to be raised.

So far 384 Ordinary South Africans have taken a stand, raised awareness, raised funds, and have Skydived for Rhinos at one of five events across five provinces over a period of two months. So far R6.5 million has been raised for strategic Rhino anti-poaching efforts in South Africa.

The 'SkyDive for Rhinos' 2012 Campaign has grown into arguably the largest and most successful public fund raising and awareness campaign for South Africa's endangered Rhinos, and is the largest concerted effort for a good cause in South African Skydiving History.

This sixth 'SkyDive for Rhinos' 2012 event will also see a Candlelight Ceremony held in remembrance of the Rhinos killed by poaching syndicates whilst we've been hard at work raising funds for their survival.

Funds raised as a result of this campaign are already being put into action on-the-ground at the front-line of the Rhino poaching crisis. Already the campaign has assisted with equipping specialist anti-poaching teams, and with the securing and funding of two light aircraft for anti-poaching aerial surveillance work.

Numerous public figures, sporting stars, actors, actresses, models, television and radio personalities, presenters, schools, colleges, universities, pensioners, archaeologists, producers, DJs, artists, conservationists, Company Directors and CEOs have participated in the 'Skydive for Rhinos' campaign to date - the youngest participant 13, and the oldest 77 years. Three young men have even skydived naked for the cause.

Eleven people have made more than one Tandem 'SkyDive for Rhinos' as part of the campaign.

'Father of FreeFly' Olav Zipser, one of the most accomplished skydivers in the world, came on board as an International 'SkyDive for Rhinos' Ambassador.

Numerous Businesses and Corporates have participated en-mass using it as a socially responsible team building opportunity that is also tax deductible!

== An attack on one of South Africa's Big Five is an attack on South Africa itself.
== This is a serious crime against OUR wildlife: it is theft on a grand scale.
== It is our duty to preserve OUR wildlife for OUR future generations.
== Protecting OUR Rhinos at the front-line of attack requires funding and resources.
== Time is not on our side, and failure is not an option, because extinction is forever.
== Whilst there are still Rhinos in the wild, there is still hope.

So you think you would never jump out of an aircraft?
Can you believe that the future of one of OUR Big Five is in YOUR hands?

The African Conservation Trust continues to call on Ordinary South Africans to do something Extraordinary by raising awareness, raising funds, and making a Tandem 'Skydive for Rhinos' at the sixth 'SkyDive for Rhinos' 2012 event on the 10th and 11th November at SkyDive Rustenburg.

Register with ACT, get your sponsorship form, raise a minimum of R 5 000 (includes the cost of R1 600 to tandem skydive, and donation to ACT Rhino Fund), and make a Tandem 'SkyDive for Rhinos' from at least 10 000ft in honour of one of South Africa's poached Rhinos, and help save OUR remaining Rhinos.

A team of dedicated, professional tandem masters are in place to take you for the ride of your life at SkyDive Rustenburg - a Parachute Association of South Africa approved Drop Zone.

== Get your registration form and start raising awareness and funds NOW ==
== Email [email protected] to register ==
== African Conservation Trust ==

As a section 18a company, donations are tax deductible - Donation Certificates can be provided on request.

The African Conservation Trust is a 12 year established KZN-based conservation charity with an historical footprint of working throughout Southern Africa. ACT is a registered Trust (IT 2174/00); a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 030-243); a SARS-registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930014758); a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (NG/25190); and a founder member of Project Rhino KZN.

'SkyDive for Rhinos' is an African Conservation Trust initiative with the objective of raising R10 Million for on-the-ground, verifiable Rhino Conservation and Anti-Poaching Efforts in South Africa.

Funds raised will be utilised for training and equipping rhino anti-poaching units (APUs), aerial surveillance and support, and community intervention programs. These will be verifiable, urgently needed interventions and funds will be distributed nationally to where support is most needed.

100% of funds raised go into the ACT Rhino Fund, a dedicated bank account.

Every Rand raised is accounted for and no charges or administration fees are being deducted from funds raised.

Latest campaign newsletter:

Thanks for the support.
Please participate, and encourage others to participate.
Wild and Horny… Lets keep them that way!

Mike Rumble
'SkyDive for Rhinos' National Coordinator
African Conservation Trust Volunteer
Rhino Ambassador
[email protected]
+27 82 926 3591

Parachuting and Skydiving
Events 2012

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